A good tip:
Use of elastic line for
pelvic lift exercises
Bed rest and immobility of all lengths (i.e. upon hospital admission or prolonged illness) have major consequences for patients, such as loss of strength, impaired general condition, greater risk of pressure ulcers, cognitive changes, and blood clots.
These negative consequences of immobility create an immediate as well as a long-term decrease in functional level, especially for older persons and those with co-morbidities.
With the focus on movement and activity as much as allowed, the risks of immobility can be minimised. One way to increase attention to purposeful movement is to perform exercises while in bed, to augment out of bed activity, such as walking and sitting tolerance time. For some persons, exercises in bed could be done independently, which can assist with a carryover of the rehabilitation and movement care plan.
Pelvic lift exercises (aka bridging)
In bed, pelvic lift exercises are important, as the buttocks and rear thigh muscles enable the patient to lift their pelvis from the mattress, so they can actively turn, reposition self, get dressed, and assist caregivers with hygiene tasks. The buttock and rear thigh muscles are also essential to rise to a standing position, to stand in a balanced position, and to walk, among other functional upright activities.
Therefore, the focus of this exercise is helpful for the patient and the caregiver!
Pelvic lift without aid
When assisting with a pelvic lift exercise without aids, the caregiver works with their back bent and rotated, adding great pressure to the lumbar region and shoulders.
Pelvic lift with elastic line
By using the Multi Support sling along with the black resistance cord, the blue connecting straps and the snap hook from the Training Kit, the ceiling hoist is able to support the amount of weight which the caregiver/patient decide is the appropriate amount to assist.
Thus, the therapist lifts and supports less overall weight and can use their skill to provide manual assistance and facilitate the patient’s movement and guide the activity, ensuring the quality of every repetition.
The blue resistance cord is used in situations when less resistance is indicated, such as for use with children or weaker patients.
Advantages of using elastic lines
By using this set-up, the patient can do the pelvic lift exercises in which they’ve been instructed, and perform repetitions until they are fatigued.
The caregiver will not have to limit the session time and the number of repetitions due to their own fatigue in supporting the weight of the patient.
Using the ceiling hoist the therapist can easily vary the difficulty of the pelvic lift exercise, by modifying the position height of the hanger, which will then increase or decrease the resistance for the patient, as indicated for the patient's condition that day, or during a particular session.
More about
The Positioning Lock
Using the Positioning lock, it is possible to secure the lifting module and/or the traverse rail in a given position in the full-coverage rail system.
The Training Kit
The combination of the ceiling hoist and the Training Kit makes it possible to set up a kind of fitness center in the patient’s room.
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Sustainability & Social Impact
Report 2022-2023

Enhancing safety and reducing strain for paediatric therapists
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