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Transfer Treatment Training
GH3+ Lifting module - Intro and Basic Use
Guldmann Slings
Z-metoden instruktionsvideo – Använd Z-metoden för att applicera lyftselen liggande i säng
Disposable Micro Plus - Sling on-off in wheelchair
Disposable High - Sling on/off in bed
Mobila Golvlyftar
GL5.2 Mobile lifter - Lifting from and to wheelchair
GL5.2 Mobile lifter - Lifting from bed to wheelchair
Free-standing room covering rail system - How to install - Easy, Practical, Safe
Positioning lock – Intro and basic use
Digital scale - How to mount with Quick connection
Digital scale - How to use the scale
Work Process Optimization
Working process: Turning a patient on the OR table manually vs using a ceiling hoist
Working process: External digital scale vs Integrated digital scale
Dynamic Mobility in Neuro-Rehab at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
Comprehensive Dynamic Mobility
Tidig mobilisering
Early mobilisation - The first steps
Early mobilisation - To the bedside
ICU Critical Care
Positioning sling and Multi Support - for proning a patient
Bariatric Care Solutions
Gait Trainer Bariatric – Mobilisering av bariatrisk brukare med och utan gånghjälpmedel
Marienlund Care centre DK
Säker gångträning med Activ Trainer och taklyft
Active Vest Kids övningsvideo – Eksempel på övningar med Activ Vest Kids
Active Vest Kids instruction video - How to put the Active Vest on the child / take the Active Vest off the child
OR - Turning to lateral position
OR - Turning to lateral position and lift of upper body
Allmänna hygienuppgifter
Användning av Basic Basic till toalettbesök
Lyft av arm för hygienuppgifter
Maskiningeniørstuderende i praktik hos Guldmann - Sebastian
Other videos
Veterinary hospital - Using GH1 ceiling hoist
Patient Story: Emilee
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+46 322 552 90
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