Scalabrini Senior Living, Australia
We have recently completed an installation of 126 room covering ceiling hoist systems at Scalabrini Aged care village designed to enrich the lives of those living with dementia or age-related complex care needs.
Scalabrini is a not-for-profit aged care provider with seven residential villages across metropolitan and rural New South Wales, in Australia. Their goal is to “(…) deliver excellent clinical care and, at the same time, ensure the lives of our residents are enriched, and filled with purpose, wellbeing and happiness.”
The desire is to create a home for the residents that are a located in an active community.
Scalabrini has received an award for Best Aged Care Facility for its newest village at the 2018 Australian Healthcare Week Excellence Awards. The prize recognised the innovation involved in the workings of The Village – which focuses on care for those with dementia.
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