40 year anniversary

July 1, 2020, it’s been 40 years since Viggo Guldmann founded the company, that we know as V. Guldmann A/S today. The surroundings were modest. The ambitions, however, were not.

It began with two men in a basement of a house in a suburb of Aarhus with production in the scullery and only Danish customers. Today Guldmann is an international, technologically leading company with customers around the globe. Customers, who are serviced by more than 450 employees of many nationalities, located in 10 different countries on two continents - and we are just getting started...

The ambitions are still high and 40 years is no age. We are continuing, and intensifying, our efforts to provide even more Time to care and Access for all for those who need it now and in the future.

We have come a long way and we have to move on!

Thank you to all customers, employees and suppliers who have made this possible.