
Who/What is Guldmann?

V. Guldmann A/S was founded in 1980 by Viggo Guldmann. We specialize in developing, manufacturing, and selling welfare technology for people with reduced capabilities, as well as work tools for their helpers.

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Why choose Guldmann?

We are specialists in creating more “Time to Care” in conjunction with lifting and moving requirements across the full spectrum of healthcare environments. But Guldmann solutions are much more than just effective, non-strenuous ways to lift and move people from A to B.

Our products are designed to be combined, varied, and used in a wide range of different ways, paving the way to uniquely effective solutions for tackling virtually all lifting and moving needs.

Guldmann solutions are designed by professionals for professionals so that they last longer, and you can keep your service and repair costs to a minimum. This ensures the Lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) available anywhere.

This makes Guldmann solutions a dependable, durable, and financially advantageous investment.

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What does Time To Care mean?

"Time to care" refers to extra time available to provide care and attention to patients in the healthcare sector. At Guldmann, we specialize in creating more time for care in connection with lifting, transferring and mobility in all environments within the healthcare sector.

We do this by providing lifting, transferring and mobility solutions that can free up resources in care and thereby optimize work processes.

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What is a ceiling hoist?

A ceiling hoist, also referred to as an overhead hoist, lift or motor, is a lifting motor that is mounted on a rail system in the ceiling. The ceiling or overhead hoist can be supported by installation into the top, via wall supports, or via wall rail.

A ceiling hoist is used to lift and move people. When the lifting equipment is mounted in the ceiling, the floor space is kept clear, making it significantly easier to get around.

A ceiling hoist system is also time- and resource-saving, as everything needed to conduct a lift or transfer is always present. A ceiling hoist/ceiling hoist system can also be called a ceiling lift/ceiling lift system. The lifting motor itself is also referred to as a lifting module. There are many different solutions available, read more on our website.

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What can a ceiling hoist be used for?

Guldmann ceiling hoists can be used for transfer, positioning, repositioning, treatment, training, early mobilization, hygiene tasks and much more. All of this is summarized in Transfer, Treatment, Training:

Transfer: Lifting and moving people with reduced mobility to and from bed, wheelchair, bath/toilet, and operating table.

Treatment: Optimizing work processes for staff, such as turning in bed during positioning or lifting legs for wound care.

Training: Rehabilitation exercises and early, progressive, and continuous mobilisation.

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Why use a ceiling hoist?

Research shows that the use of a ceiling hoist can increase patient safety by reducing the risk of falls and pressure ulcers, as well as improving the work environment for staff by reducing the physical strain associated with manual lifting. Studies have also shown a reduction in the number of work-related injuries resulting in sick days for staff, as well as a need for less staff when handling patients. If you are interested in learning more, you can read more about the underlying evidence in our Scientific document here:

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How much does a ceiling hoist cost?

The price of a ceiling hoist depends on the specific solution needed. There are many aspects to consider, such as lifting needs, lifting capacity, room size, ceiling height, etc. To receive the most accurate advice, please contact our sales consultants.

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How much can a ceiling hoist lift?

Guldmann's lifting modules are designed for all types of lifts and transfers with a capacity ranging from 175 kilos (380 lbs) up to 500 kilos (1100 lbs).

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How many different ceiling hoists are there?

Our ceiling hoists are available in different variants: GH1, GH3, GH3 Twin, and GHZ, which can be configured to precisely the solution that suits your needs. Contact our sales department to find the right solution.

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Which ceiling hoist should I choose?

The choice of ceiling hoist depends on what it is used for. Will it only be used for lifts and transfers? Is there a need for data collection? Should it be able to weigh the patient?

Could it be helpful to be able to use it for training purposes? And in that case, should it have dynamic weight relief? How big is the ceiling height? How heavy are the patients to be lifted? We recommend that you have a chat with our customer service and have your needs identified to find the perfect solution.

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What is the difference between GH1 and GH3?

The GH1 lifting module is designed to cover all daily lifting needs in private homes, sheltered housing, and nursing homes. The lifting module is charged by placing the remote-control unit in the GH1 charger on the wall. A fully charged lifting module can handle more than 55 lifts of 85 kg (187 lbs).

The GH3 ceiling hoist is a lifting module that is both user-friendly and efficient for performing lifts and transfers in virtually all professional care environments. The GH3 lifting module is continuously charged in the rails, regardless of where in the rail system the lifting module is located, ensuring that the ceiling hoist is always ready for use. In addition, more functions can be added, such as a built-in medical scale and Trainer Module with dynamic weight relief.

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How many people are needed to use a ceiling hoist?

The number of staff required to use a ceiling hoist depends on the task, the staff's skills, and the patient's needs. If you are unsure about the most appropriate approach, you are always welcome to contact our consulting department for advice. 

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Can you use a ceiling hoist alone?

Yes, you may use the ceiling hoist alone if you have been trained and are comfortable with using the aid and know your patient.

Can a ceiling hoist be installed by a swimming pool?

Yes, it is possible to install a ceiling hoist in a location with a swimming pool. However, a swimming pool will often result in an aggressive environment with high humidity, water, and chlorine, which can affect the materials of the ceiling hoist.

Therefore, it is important to take precautions to ensure that the ceiling hoist can function properly and safely near a swimming pool.

It is recommended to consider getting professional advice on the necessary measures before installing a ceiling hoist in a location with a swimming pool.

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How is the ceiling hoist powered?

At Guldmann, we have different solutions for charging the ceiling hoist. Some lifts are charged via the remote control, while others can charge directly via the rails regardless of where the lifting module is in the room.

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How do I get a ceiling hoist?

An assessment of the environment where the lift is intended for use is important to optimize the design of the rail system and achieve a favourable solution.

Contact our sales department for advice and guidance on the proper choice of ceiling hoist and lifting accessories.

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Can anyone use a ceiling hoist?

Anyone who has received training is able to use a ceiling hoist. If you are unsure how to use a ceiling hoist, ask your supervisor for training. You can also contact our Consulting department for advice, guidance, and courses on how to use a ceiling hoist.

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Can the ceiling hoist be used to weigh patients?

Yes, it is possible to weigh patients with a ceiling hoist using a digital scale that can be installed on the lifting sling.

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Can the ceiling hoist be used for training/treatment?

Yes, it can. You can use it for many types of training.

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Is there an alternative to the ceiling hoist?

Yes, there is a mobile person lift, GL5.2, also called a floor lift. If the patient has enough strength in their legs to stand, a standing lift, GLS5.2 Active person lift or GTP1 Transfer platform can also be used.

A standing lift is used in situations where there is a need for assistance with transfers, where the patient has standing function but also needs help to stand up/sit down and maintain balance while standing.

However, it is important to remember that this aid goes against the natural movement pattern, as the patient needs to lean backwards.

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What do the colours on the slings mean?

Guldmann slings are marked with the colours Active (red), Basic (green), or Custom (blue).

Active slings, marked in red, require a specific level of function from the patient.

Basic slings, marked in green, fit most patients. They can be obtained in different shapes depending on the functional level.

Custom slings, marked in blue, are custom-made for specific transfer situations or types of patients.

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How do you know if you are using the correct sling?

You are always welcome to call us if you are unsure if you are using the right sling. You can also try our Sling Guide, whereby answering different questions about the patient, you will be led to an overview of slings that fit the current need.

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How do I know which size sling to use?

You need a measuring tape to measure in a straight line across the hips. You can see in our size guide where to measure and which sizes to use.

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Does it hurt to be lifted in a sling?

Generally, it does not hurt to be lifted in a sling, but there may be exceptions. For example, if the sling is not placed correctly or if the patient has sensitive skin or pressure sores, it can affect their experience of comfort.

Our experience is that in most cases, it is the fear of being lifted that is the most prominent concern, and not the lift itself. If you are unsure which sling is best suited for the patient, you can try our Sling Guide or contact our Consulting department.

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Do you have a toilet sling?

Our Active Micro Plus sling is often referred to as a toilet sling because it has a large opening around the buttocks, making it easy to move directly onto the toilet. We have several slings in our range that can be used in connection with toilet visits: Active Micro and Sit-On Comfort High Hygiene + Basic slings.


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What functional level does it require of the patient to use a toilet sling?

Using the Active Micro Plus sling in connection with toilet visits requires that the patient has a certain level of function. There must be strength in the legs and control of the upper body. The patient must be able to maintain the sitting position with only light support from the sling to maintain balance.

If you are unsure if it is the right sling, you can always use our Sling Guide or contact us for advice.

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Do you have a sling that can be used for bathing?

Almost all our slings can also be ordered in net material, which we at Guldmann recommend for use in bathing situations. The net material dries faster than standard polyester slings.

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What is a Sit-On sling?

It is a whole piece of fabric designed for the patient to remain seated on it in the wheelchair without an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers.

However, always monitor your patient's skin condition and circulation. 

Contact us for advice on this.

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Can the patient stay in the sling?

Yes and no. We have a few special slings, Sit-On and Repositioning slings. The Sit-On slings are designed for the patient to stay seated in it. E.g., in a wheelchair. The Repositioning Slings are designed to be placed on the bed like a sheet. Both sling types have no seams or edges in weight-bearing areas, and the materials used have been evaluated for their compatibility with skin health.
However, it always depends on the situation and the patient's needs how long they can/should stay in the sling.

Contact us for more advice and information about this.

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How long can one sit in a Sit-On sling?

There is no specific timeframe as it depends on the individual patient. The sling is designed to stay under the patient in a sitting position without further risk of pressure ulcers. The sling can only be applied in a lying position in bed since it is a single piece of fabric without separate leg straps.

Contact us for advice on this.

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What slings can be used for lower extremity amputees’ 

A clinical assessment of the patient is indicated to arrive at the correct choice.

However, below-knee amputees can usually be mobilised by most Guldmann seated transfer slings.

For above-knee amputees, the following Guldmann slings can be considered for clinical assessment:

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Do you have lifting slings for children?

Yes, see the selection on our website. We have both lifting slings and gait trainer slings for children aged 4-16. If you are unsure which sling to choose, you can always call and speak with our consulting department.

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Which lifting hanger should I choose?

Our regular lifting hanger for transfers, training, and treatment is available in sizes XS, S, and M. In addition, we have an H-hanger and two cross-hangers that can be used for patients with special needs, e.g., due to a large pannus or the need to open the angle in the hip. For horizontal lifts, we have flat lift stretchers and hoists. The lifting hanger should fit in size. You can always check if the straps are too close to the head and if the patient feels squeezed in the shoulder area.

If you are unsure which hanger to choose, you are welcome to call and speak with our consulting department.

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