Flexible and closely
targeted rehabilitation
Rehabilitation usually takes the form of a training process over a set period of time, taking as its starting point the functional skill level of the individual user. Rehabilitation exercises can involve moving, positioning, strength training, stretching, active movement exercises and practicing everyday activities. From a purely therapeutic perspective, the objective of rehabilitation is to maintain and increase functional skills as far as possible.
Rehabilitation processes often demand a great deal of the professional therapist, who is required to compensate for the user’s lack of mobility and inability to help himself/herself.
Confidence and security are essential for rapid rehabilitation, and it is here that installing a ceiling lift system can play a key role.
Common lifting and moving procedures in the context of rehabilitation and (re)training:
- Gait training
- Moves in and around the bed
- Assisted active exercises
- Exercises with some weight support
- Training on a treadmill
- Aquatic therapy
- ADL training assistance
- Balance and posture exercises

Lift rehabilitation with a ceiling lift
Using a ceiling lift system in conjunction with rehabilitation exercises boosts confidence and safety for user and therapist alike.
The user feels more confident and can follow the therapist’s instructions without fear of falling. The therapist can likewise provide help and guidance without risking back injury should the patient suddenly overbalance and/or fall.
This makes it possible to perform more challenging exercises – and to do more of them.
Ceiling lift system assisted lifting, as a part of the rehabilitation program, can be used at all mobility levels, and paves the way for flexible, closely targeted training adapted to suit the functional capabilities of the individual user.