Guldmann is the customers' favourite brand in Germany in 2022
Unrivalled good and awarded with gold
On behalf of the business magazine FOKUS-MONEY, the IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research conducted a 12-month study to listen to German-speaking customers' public communication on social media about brands and companies.
For this, a total of 7 million mentions, 63 million likes, and 2.6 million emojis were recorded and evaluated with the help of artificial intelligence, in addition to statements on the dimensions of quality, price, and service.
The result is clear:
The Guldmann brand is ranked first in the lifting and care systems sector with 100 out of 100 possible points and therefore has been awarded the gold rating.
All other brands examined and compared with Guldmann in the same industry received less than the score required for a ranking and therefore do not find a mention by name in the study. This means: The Guldmann brand is unrivalled in the perception of German customers throughout the industry.
The IMWF Institute, which was commissioned with the study, is a certified expert for Europe-wide, AI-based, and scientifically tested analyses of the image and reputation of brands and companies.
For this purpose, public communication worldwide around selected brands and companies is continuously examined on around 438 million websites and in 130 languages. For the study "Kundenliebling 2022", together with Guldmann, around 19,000 brands were the focus of examination across all sectors, thereof six competing brands in the lifting and care systems sector.
For decades, the Guldmann company has strived to offer customers individual complete solutions for lifting and transfer, because our mission is to create more time to care. In doing so, we not only focus on functional and high product quality but also on providing the lowest total costs of ownership and comprehensive service that continues to take effect long after purchase and installation, contributing to the strong customer loyalty that has been proven by the study.
We are proud that our customers perceive Guldmann so positively and are talking about it publicly. Only together with convinced customers can Guldmann succeed in directing the general focus in the healthcare sector to the individual in lifting and transfer situations, and in this way improve working conditions for all in care in the long term.
We will remain on this mission together with our customers because for Guldmann, it’s always time to care.